The Good News Is…
Well, my holiday didn’t go as I expected. My daughter who lives in California contracted Covid and couldn’t come home, so most of the activities I had planned to do with her I had to cancel.

The Good News Is…
The last few years as I have gotten older and because my kids are grown, I haven’t worked as hard at Christmastime. Sure, I still put up decorations and send out Christmas cards, but I don’t stress so much about finding the perfect gift.

The Good News Is…
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the meaning of life and why I’m here. Sure, I’ve done some things that seem worthwhile. I’ve given birth to three lovely children and helped them along their way. I’ve written some things that have been published and even won some awards.

The Good News Is…
I know women often give men a hard time for a variety of things, but I want to take a minute and thank all the men out there for helping women out when we’re having car issues.