The Good News Is…

It’s one week until Christmas, and like everyone else, I have lots to do: presents to wrap, food to cook, and family members to pick up from the airport.  The last few years as I have gotten older and because my kids are grown, I haven’t worked as hard at Christmastime.  Sure, I still put up decorations and send out Christmas cards, but I don’t stress so much about finding the perfect gift.

If I’m looking through magazines, and I see something that I know someone will like, I order it.  But I don’t wait until December to do this.  I just order things and keep them until it’s that person's birthday or until it’s Christmas.  And if all else fails, I just give money.  I know it’s not as personal as some other gifts, but I feel like it gives people the opportunity to get exactly what they want.

In fact, I hardly leave the house to shop any more.  Groceries can be delivered as can most of the other things I want to give my family.  Occasionally I go to the dollar store when I have a coupon, but usually I just sit back and let the presents come to me.  Of course, sometimes the order is wrong or items have been omitted, but usually, companies get it right.

I know people like myself put a lot of pressure on delivery drivers, like my husband who works for FedEx, but at least they have job security, right?  By the way, if any of you feel inclined to put snacks on your porch for these hard-working drivers, my husband says that drivers really appreciate it, especially given many of them are working 12-13 hours a day, six days a week.

But I digress.  So I was thinking about what I’m looking forward to the most this Christmas, and it’s being with my family.  Yesterday was my son’s last day of the first semester of his senior year, and when he got home, we celebrated by going out to lunch.  My daughter who lives in town comes over every other week to do laundry, and I love seeing her.  Although she says she doesn’t like Christmas, there are some traditions that she loves like tacos and looking at lights on Christmas Eve.

Then there’s my daughter who’s coming in on Christmas Eve from California.  What a great present for me, especially since I haven’t seen her since the Christmas holidays last year.  And we have so many things planned.  Aside from the checkups at the doctor, dentist, and eye doctor, we’ve planned to go see A Christmas Carol at Dallas Theater Center, have dinner at Reunion Tower, and maybe even go to Holiday in the Park, something I’ve always wanted to do.  It’s a lot to get in given that she’s only going to be here a week, but it will remind me of when the kids were younger, and we had so many activities happening that I never had any trouble sleeping.

I’m also going to have the privilege of spending time with my parents, who are so loving and accepting.  It’s just a joy to be around them.  We have a Christmas Eve tradition of having a meal, singing Christmas carols, reading the Bible story, and opening presents.  We’ve done the same thing on Christmas Eve for as far back as I can remember, and there’s some comfort in that continuity, like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

When I was a child, I anticipated Christmas with excitement for what Santa would bring me.  Now I anticipate Christmas with excitement for spending time with my family.  In the end, if you think about why you work and make money and why you make the effort to deal with all that life throws at you, it’s for these special moments you can treasure in your heart.  (Of course I often take pictures to memorialize these moments as well.)

I want to thank everyone in my family for making my life so special and for the opportunity of spending time with you.  I Love You All, so very much.  I also want to wish everyone reading this Happy Holidays and lovely times with people you love.

*Joke:  My husband’s idea of getting into the Christmas spirit is to become Scrooge.

Quote:  The great legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.  – Family Off Duty

Advice:  Focus on what you love about your family instead of the things about them that might irritate you.

*Want more Christmas jokes?  My Winter Joke Book makes a great Christmas gift.


The Good News Is…


The Good News Is…