Loving Hearts For A Happy World
There’s a bunch of crap going on in the world: wars, starvation, murders…on and on it goes. It all stems from a hatred and inequity that is so unnecessary. Maybe it comes from a belief in the finite rather than from a belief in the infinite. If there are indeed finite resources, then there needs to be competition because there’s not enough to go around.
But then where does the money come from when a new business is started or a new product is created? I know the government sometimes manufactures more money, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the idea that something can be created from nothing. Does one person having more automatically mean another person has to have less?
Now what if everybody had exactly the same? Everybody had all their needs met. There were no rich people or poor people. Everybody had a place to live and plenty to eat. Then there would be no reason to be jealous of another person or covet what they had. Would everyone be happy then? I wonder. Really then nobody would have a reason to be unhappy. Would life then be boring? A bliss in which everything was perfect? Do we need our problems to build our character? Are some people only happy when they’re unhappy?
As long as there have been people, there has been fighting, which is weird because don’t we all really want the same thing? Food, shelter, happiness for ourselves and our families. It seems we should have more in common, but we chose to focus on our differences. That wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if we could just accept those differences and let people be who they are. Live and let live.
Why do we think our way is the best way, and why is it so important to us to make sure everybody does things our way? What if our way isn’t the best way? Maybe somebody else has a better idea. Are we open to hearing that? Are we open to loving people just the way they are without trying to change anything about them?
Maybe it’s power that’s the problem. The leaders want to feel like they’re more important or better than others. But why? Ultimately, we all start life in the same way, and end the same way…by dying. Whatever we accumulated during our short stay on Earth isn’t anything we can take with us. We can leave it to others, but then will they appreciate it, since they didn’t really earn it?
We fool ourselves into thinking material things are important, but the best they can do is make us comfortable. And we have to be careful because often comfort and complacency go hand in hand. Really, isn’t what’s important helping others and doing the most good we can while we are here? Shouldn’t our pursuit be to make the world a better place…leave it better than when we entered it?
There are all kinds of ways we can do that. Some people are committed to human rights; others to environmental improvement; still others to animal protection. Whatever is important to you is you calling, and it’s your way to make a difference in the world.
Sometimes I wish had a t-shirt that said, “How can I love you today?” That’s sort of my life’s motto. What can I do to help someone else, to show them that they are loved and accepted? Because I have been fortunate in my life, I have had the opportunity of being able to help other people, and it gives me great joy to do so. I feel like I have been given such a great life by some gift of karma, and it’s up to me to give back to others.
I would love it if every day I could do random acts of kindness for others. I believe that it’s only when we are thinking about how we can help others and do what’s in their best interest that we can find happiness.
This song comes to mind from the musical “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”
My favorite lines in the song are “For happiness is anyone and anything at all / That’s loved by you.” Now if we could just find it in our hearts to love others…especially the ones who don’t agree with us!
Joke: “Why do we tell actors to 'break a leg'? Because every play needs a good cast!" https://www.joinassembly.com/blog/36-jokes-of-the-day-for-work-spreading-laughter-amongst-teams
Quote: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. – Taylor Swift
Advice: Instead of judging other people, love them instead.