
Mother’s Day is coming up and the day before that is my parents’ 62nd wedding anniversary.  We will be celebrating those as a family.

It seems like almost every month we celebrate something.  In January my oldest daughter has a birthday.  Then in February my son has a birthday and of course Valentine’s Day happens in February.  Also, I have two dear friends with birthdays in February.

March brings spring and my father’s birthday.  Then in April is my middle daughter’s birthday.  Also, some time in March or April is Easter. 

May, like I mentioned earlier, brings Mother’s Day and my parents anniversary.  We also get Memorial Day in June as well as Father’s Day.  My soon-to-be son in law also has a birthday at the end of June. 

In July we celebrate the 4th and our country’s independence.  My mother’s birthday is in August.  In September, there’s Labor Day.

In October is my birthday plus Halloween.  Then we get Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December.

My husband used to complain that it was too much, all this celebrating we were doing.  But I would argue that celebrations give us something to look forward to.  They bring us together, and we spend happy times together.  We also sometimes get to take a needed break from work to remember that life is more than being productive.

Sometimes it’s just about stopping to enjoy the moment and remembering all the great things in line that we have to be grateful for. I’m glad we celebrate something every month in my family.  It gives us a chance to remember how special each person is and how much we love them.

I would encourage each and every person reading this blog post to celebrate life and the people you love as much as possible while you still have a chance to do so.  It will bring you so much joy, and really isn’t the point of life to be happy?

Joke:  Did you hear about the party with no helium balloons? It didn’t really take off.  https://punnypeak.com/celebration-puns/

Quote:  The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more in life there is to celebrate. – Oprah Winfrey

Advice:  Find something to celebrate every day, and then each one will be special.



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