Featured Jokes

  1. I've taken up walking…ever since I wrecked my car.

  2. They say it's a small world, but it seems pretty big when you have to walk everywhere!

  3. They say not to worry about breaking up because there are a lot of fish in the sea. Unfortunately, all the ones I've hooked seem to be part of a catch and release program.

  4. Have you heard about the nationwide coin shortage? That's because nobody wants to change.

  5. Old people don't all have bad memories; in fact, the stuff they talk about that happened 50 years ago seems pretty good.

  6. I don't drink and drive, so I get pretty thirsty on road trips.

  7. Life is ironic. On my lunch hour, I saw a sign for a 24-hour buffet. It made me wonder if my boss will care if I'm 23 hours late.