Tripping in Los Angeles
I am currently visiting my daughter Amberlee in North Hollywood, and there is a whole different vibe here than from where I’m from in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Yeah, it’s still a city and there is still traffic. But it seems more laid back to me. Maybe I’m just more laid back here because I have fewer responsibilities and things to worry about here than I do at home, but it just feels different.
Because everything is so expensive here, people approach living differently. Rent is high, so my daughter lives with roommates just to afford the apartment she lives in. Because of this, they have to share and communicate and compromise. Food is also expensive here, which encourages people to eat less and be less wasteful where food is concerned.
Sometimes I wonder about the separateness and independence that many Americans value so much. Many other cultures have extended families living together all in one house. Sure, that makes for some personality conflicts and irritations, but it also means that when there is a problem, you have a built-in support network.
Many older people worry about being a burden to their children when they get old, but maybe they should stop and ask whether that is really true. Maybe their kids would rather they live with them than end up in a nursing home where people don’t know you and the care isn’t always the best.
I’ve told my kids that they were a challenge to me when I raised them, and I fully expect them to take me in when I am old. We did that with my grandfather (my mom’s dad), and it was really a blessing to get so close to him and really get to know him before he passed away.
But, anyway, I digress…back to talking about Los Angeles. The other evening we went to see a show called “Kill Shelter,” which took on some really important topics, including the euthanasia of animals and abortion. It wasn’t the best performance I’ve ever seen, but it was thought-provoking. I’m glad important complex issues like this are being explored. Sometimes there’s no real right or wrong, but really tough choices still need to be made.
It was a small theater of about 45 seats, but I felt very welcome. The people I have met here seem so laid back. They seem less worried about money and getting ahead and more concerned about growing and becoming the best version of themselves that they can be. Again, maybe that’s just how I feel when I’m here, and I’m projecting how I feel onto other people.
Needless to say, I’m really enjoying my time here. It’s great to be around my daughter and to escape the Texas heat! It’s also good to look at life from a new perspective. I’m not sure that life is necessarily better here, but my attitude is good. I feel less stress and am sleeping really good. It was time for a reset, and I hope I can carry some of these “laid back” vibes back to Texas with me.
Joke: Two goats were behind a Hollywood movie studio eating an old movie film. One goat said to the other, “Pretty good, huh?” The second goat said, “Yeah, but not as good as the book.” – from
Quote: Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax. – Mark Black
Advice: Find a place you can go or something that you can do that allows you to relax. It’s not optional; it’s a necessity.