The Good News Is…

So it’s that time of year again:  Valentine’s Day.  It’s a day when we’re supposed to do something to let the people we love know how we feel about them.  Most people consider it a “lover’s holiday,” but I’ve always tried to let everyone in my life, including my parents and children, know how much I love them on Valentine's Day.

It seems like Valentine's Day is a day when women put pressure on men to give them something special, to recognize them, and show them how much they care.  And if they get the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, or heaven forbid, forget, we give them a hard time.

I imagine that men dread Valentine's Day as they rush to the store to buy a card, some last minute flowers or chocolates.  Not to mention to make reservations at a restaurant to take her out, so she won’t have to cook.  I’m just wondering why all the pressure is on the men.  I mean, women could make the restaurant reservations just as well.

I admit I’ve had some bad Valentine's Days in my life.  I think the worst one was when the person I thought was my boyfriend took another girl out on Valentine's Day.  I’m not really one to complain about not getting presents, but that sent me a clear message that his heart wasn’t really with me.  But I think, in general, we should give men a break.

I saw on a social media platform the question of whether women want something thoughtful or romantic on Valentines Day.  Most people responded by saying they would want something romantic.  I, on the other hand, really appreciate thoughtful gifts.  I once got an electric toothbrush and was really happy with that because I’m a bit obsessive about brushing my teeth.  Maybe the best gifts are both thoughtful and romantic, but that’s a tough combo to make happen sometimes.

Showing our love seems to be easier for women than men.  Maybe men have more difficulty expressing their feelings than women.  Or maybe they just don’t like to be told that on one specific day of the year they have to do something.  I once had a significant other who got me presents when something he saw reminded him of me and not necessarily on what would be considered “special occasions” like my birthday, Christmas or Valentines Day.  He was a bit contrarian in that way—he was one of those people who would celebrate Groundhog’s Day!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a very Happy Valentine's Day and finds a way to express their love for someone else today.  (Actually, I hope that happens everyday!)

Joke:  Valentine's Day is a woman’s revenge for Thanksgiving.

Quote:  There is only one happiness in this life:  to love and be loved.” – George Sand

Advice:  Being thoughtful and doing something helpful is a great way to express your love!


The Good News Is…


The Good News Is…