Getting Out of a Rut
We’re so focused on the problem that it’s hard to see the solution. We’re concentrating on the mud and what’s bad about the situation, and it’s hard to see how to stop spinning our wheels so that we can move forward.
It's at this time that we especially need to think about the ways we can maneuver ourselves in a positive direction. Instead of thinking about everything that’s wrong, it’s helpful to count our blessings. We have so many things to be thankful for. Focusing on those will help us to see how lucky we are and how insignificant this little setback is in the grand scheme of our lives. When we are no longer fixated on the problem, it frees us up to think about what positive actions we can take to make ourselves happy again.
Take time to do the things you love to do and realize that problems are only temporary. If you think back about the tough spots you’ve been in before, you realize that you found your way out every single time. You will find your way out of this problem as well. Stop holding on to anger that doesn’t benefit you. Ask for forgiveness from the people you may have hurt. Think about things you can do to be helpful. Try to be cheerful! Be the kind of person you would want to be around! And if you are struggling, ask for help. Other people aren’t mind readers; they don’t know what you need to feel better, but if you look inside yourself, you know what you need.
Soon you will find yourself moving forward again, hopefully on the road to happiness and contentment!
Joke: A Swedish engineer developed a car that runs on wine. Of course it took him awhile to work out all the hiccups!
Quote: “It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don’t stay stuck, do better.” – Alex Elle
Advice: Even when you think you’re stuck, there’s always a way out of any situation. Try to stay positive, and it will come to you.