Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day, and I am blessed to still have my father with me in this world.  I feel like I won the father lottery.  My dad is someone you can count on.  Any time I was sick or had a problem with my car he was there.  He would take off work if I needed him for anything when I was growing up.  And to this day he supports me by being there for me and my kids.


To really understand my dad and why he’s so special, I’m going to tell you a true story about something he did for me.  When I was in fourth grade, we moved.  It was tough for me because I was leaving the only house I had known, my school, my friends, and my soccer team.  Now I had only been playing a year at this point, and the only reason I even started playing was because my older brother was playing, and I wanted to do everything that he did.  But I digress.


Also, I was a chubby little kid with no natural athletic ability.  When I first started playing, my dad volunteered to be the assistant coach even though he didn’t know a lot about the sport.  But he read up on it and really bonded with all the girls. Anyway, when we moved, we were trying to figure out how to find a team for me.  We saw a group practicing and approached them, but they took one look at me and told my dad that they already had a full roster.


So he called up the soccer association, and they told him they would put me on a waiting list with a lot of other girls.  He asked, “How many girls?”  And when he found out that there was enough for a team, he volunteered to create a team for us and be our coach.  At first we weren’t very good.  But after playing together for years, we got better and finally beat the team that didn’t want me for the championship!  In retrospect, it seems like a Disney movie.  I got much better and thinned up.  Eventually I was first team all-district in high school and made the first women’s team SMU ever had.  I loved the game and became an excellent player with practice!


My dad would do anything for his kids, and he’s a hoot!  He has a great sense of humor and is very social.  At the restaurants he frequents, he knows most of the waiters by name.  So on this Father’s Day, I want to thank my dad for making my childhood a happy one and being so supportive of me.  I love you with all my heart!


Joke:  My Father is very handy with tools.  He hands them to me when he wants to get some work done.

Quote:  “To the world you are a dad.  To our family you are the world.”

Advice:  If your dad is alive, appreciate all the time you get to spend with him.  If he isn’t, then remember all the wonderful things he did for you.


July 4th Fireworks

