What I Want My Kids To Know

What I want my kids to know:

1.     I love you!

I don’t think you can know how much.  If you ever have kids, you might understand how I feel.  But I would give everything for you. 

2.     I’m proud of you.

It doesn’t it matter if you make a lot of money or achieve “success.”  I’ll always be proud of who you are.

3.     I want you to be happy.

This is my greatest wish in life.  If you are happy, then I’m happy.

4.     Spending time with you is the best gift you can give to me.

I treasure every minute we spend together.

5.     You are special.

There is nobody like you in the whole, wide world.  I feel so lucky to have watched you become the wonderful adult that you are.

6.     You are beautiful.

It’s much easier to see our faults than our attributes, but you have many wonderful traits—both inside and out.  Celebrate all the good that is you.

7.     You are my greatest creation.

No matter what I write, I could never make anything better.  It has been my privilege to guide you in your journey.

8.     I never want to leave you.

Some day I won’t be around any more, but I hope you will always remember that if I could stay with you, I would.

9.     I cherish every hug and kiss you give me.

If I could bottle the kisses and wrap the hugs around me, I would be enveloped in such great love that I would feel it always.

10.  Now is my favorite time with you.

If anyone asks me my favorite age that my kids were, I would say that it’s the age you are now.  You are so wonderful, and I am truly blessed to be your mother.

Thank you!  You’re the bestest!

Joke: “According to my kids, the perfect amount of time to stay at the park is five more minutes. –@RockabillyJay

Quote:  “Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded.” –Jess Lair

Advice:  Don’t have any expectations about your kids.  Love them just the way they are.


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Barry Manilow “All the Time”