
On Friday evening when I picked up the mail, there was a letter from the IRS.  Without opening it, I knew right away that it was bad news.  In fact, it was the IRS saying that we owe more than $800, and that news really sent me into a cycle of negativity.

To better understand the reason why, let me give you some background information.  I do our family’s taxes and have my mother check them because she used to work at the IRS in the “Problems Resolution” department.  Usually they get filed, and we don’t have a problem.

This year I filed them relatively early – it was the end of February, I think.  Anyway, instead of getting our refund a couple of months later, we got a letter from the IRS informing us that we had forgot to check a box on a form that would allow us to deduct our son’s college tuition.  The box basically states that he isn’t a felon.  So I resubmitted the return, making sure the check the box.

Eventually our refund came, but it was less than the amount we expected.  So I tried calling, but got stuck in automation hell and was never able to speak with a live person.  Eventually I called the taxpayer advocate helpline, and they transferred me to problem resolution.  I was on hold for quite a while before I spoke with someone who couldn’t figure out why we hadn’t received our full refund.  She told me she would have to research it and talk with her supervisor.

She called back several days later to explain to me why I was incorrect, and that the IRS was right to withhold some of our refund.  Then she advised me to re-file the part of the return that was incorrect, which I did.  I was trying to do everything right.

So now it seems that after filing the correct form, the IRS thinks we owe some more money.  It makes me wonder whether or not they realize they already withheld that money from our original refund.  That means next week, I’ll have to speak with someone else, who may or may not know what they are talking about.

It’s so frustrating when you try to do everything right and still you have to fight with a juggernaut like the IRS.  Now I just wish I had accepted the lesser refund without asking any questions.  It would have been easier than having made all this effort just to give them more money.  And of course if I don’t anything, we’ll owe penalties and interest as well.  (No wonder people hate the IRS!)

I was tired on Friday night, so I’m sure I over-reacted to the IRS letter.  It made me just want to quit and stop trying – with everything in my life: work, family housework, charity, etc.  I even cancelled plans with my daughter to go see her fitted in her wedding dress on Saturday.

Now on Sunday, I’m doing a little better and am starting to get back to my old self, but it made me realize how fragile people can be when they have setbacks.  Maybe that one piece of bad news is the one thing that puts them over the edge.  We all need to be sensitive to others’ problems, and we need to be kind to one another whenever possible.

Today I made the effort to give away some school supplies to the church and plan to go to a family fun activity later this afternoon.  It seems I’m back in the swing of life.  I just hope I can keep my positive attitude going.  I know more rest is the key, but sometimes getting it is a real challenge!

I wish everybody reading this the ability to bounce back from setbacks and to realize that they are only temporary.

Joke:  If you put your left shoe on the wrong foot... it's on the right foot. From

Quote:  “Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.” - Unknown

Advice:  Don’t make any important decision when you are upset or tired.  Get some sleep and then re-evaluate what you need to do once you are in a better mood.


Barry Manilow “All the Time”

