Happy Easter!

Today is Easter, and many people will celebrate by dressing up in their most beautiful clothes and going to church.  Some will have Easter egg hunts and watch the children light up when they find treats.  Some will spend time with their families and share a meal together.

Whatever you chose to do today, whether it is a very busy day of activity or a quiet day of rest, I wish you happiness.  Take a moment to stop and appreciate everything you have—your blessings.  Look around you at the beauty of the trees and blooming flowers.  Listen to the birds.

Sometimes it’s difficult to hear about all the bad stuff happening in the world: the wars, people living in poverty without enough food or clean water.  It’s easy to think the worst and be discouraged with humanity.  But there are also many wonderful people in the world.

I was just reading an article about an Uber driver who donated his kidney to someone he picked up from a dialysis center.  Whenever anyone holds a door open for you, that’s a small act of kindness and reinforces the idea that there are good people everywhere.

Right now our country seems so divided by politics: people in the two main parties hate each other.  But why?  Ultimately, we all have the same goal: to be happy and to help the people we love be happy.

As I write this, I’m sitting on my back porch enjoying a lovely cloudy Sunday morning.  I have a nice cup of tea, and the wind chimes are tinkling.  I have been for a walk and now I am doing one of my favorite things: writing.

Yesterday I was reading an article (yes, I read a lot) about a couple who was about to play a Scrabble game, but instead of playing it in the traditional way where they competed against each other, they decided to cooperate and try to use every single letter.

So instead of trying to make it difficult on their opponent to put words on the board, they made it easier.  They said it was the most fun they had ever had playing Scrabble.  I was thinking that this might be a great way to approach everything in life: cooperate instead of compete.

I think of the videos I have seen in softball and track when one competitor stopped and helped their opponent:



These individuals understood that it was more important to help someone else than to worry about their own individual standing or victory.  We all need to see this.  In the end, how much money we have or our “success” will not mean anything.  It is more important to help others and to cooperate so that everyone can succeed and reach their goals. 

We all have the potential to be great.  It just depends on how we define greatness.  For me, I hope that means loving others and helping them be happy.

So to anyone who took the time to read this post, I want to thank you for your time and wish you the best day ever!

Joke:  Easter may not take the cake but decorating the boiled eggs does take all the cake coloring. 

Quote:  “Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Teresa

Advice:  It’s very easy to be happy when you’re helping others.


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