The Good News is…
by Melanie White
I hate watching the news. It’s always full of tragedies and catastrophes. The Democrats and Republicans aren’t getting along and can’t agree on anything. There’s a hurricane here, tsunami there. People are getting murdered; planes are getting hijacked. And don’t get me started on the coronavirus.
You know they have a weather channel, a sports channel, and a [bad] news channel. What I think we need is a good news channel: somewhere we could tune in and hear about what good things are happening in the world: heroic deeds, heartwarming stories, and inspiring messages.
That’s what I hope to do with this blog. I want to share an upbeat perspective about life and the world. I want to discuss how people are helping others and to write about positive things that are inspiring and good.
I actually love the Anne Murray song, “A Little Good News,” and it sums up what I’m hoping to do with the writing you’ll find on this blog:
For example, here are some headlines I found on “The Good News Network” website:
Son Sells Thousands of Cheesesteaks to Give Mom Last Dream Trip to See the Egyptian Pyramids
Rail Worker Who Saved Child From a Train Now Donates Half His Reward Money to Boy’s Family
Spectacular Super Pink Moon Set to Rise Next Week
Man Returns $10k to Guy Who Left the Cash on His Bumper—And Was Given the Most Surprising Reward
Doctors Thought He Would Never Walk or Talk, Watch His Reaction to Getting Accepted to College
Returning the Love, Frat Brothers Pay Off Mortgage for Their House Cook 30 Years Later
Falconry Saves Man From Life of Crime, Now he Helps Birds and At-Risk Youth Take Flight
They Found a Baby on the Subway—Now He’s Their Adopted Son
Nearly Retired Couple Adopts 7 Siblings Who Just Lost Their Parents
People in 108 Countries Are Joining Forces to do Good on “Good Deeds Day”
Travel Agent Helps Aging Veteran Pilot Pals Go on Dream Boys’ Trip—Without Costing Them a Dime
My daughter, Amberlee, introduced me to a website called where you can just click to give, and it’s free. I try to remember to go on every day to give. Also, did you know that if you go to and buy stuff, part of the profits can go to a charity of your choice? I love that.
As a writer, what I hope that my work does is inspire others and get others to think about life’s important questions.
Please feel free to comment and contact me with good news stories you would like for me to share on this blog.
As some of you may know, I really enjoy writing jokes, so I will try to include a joke with each of my blog posts. Sometimes they’re funny, and sometimes they’re not. I don’t make any promises that you’ll laugh, but hopefully you’ll occasionally be amused.
Attempt at a Joke: Good news is as hard to find as bacon on a vegetarian’s plate.
Think you can top it? I welcome other suggestions for a better punch line.